Latest Buyer Stamp Duty and Cooling Measures
With all the new rulings and cooling measures in place, is it still affordable?

Property Investment
Investment, buying a home or owning multiple properties?

High Mortgage Interest Rates
What can be done to ease your mortgage monthly repayment?

New Cooling Measures in 2022
How impactful is it going to affect you?
What is the next step you need to do to overcome this measures…

Sell, Rent to Buy 2 Property Strategy
Build your funds through assets. Growing your capital in faster pace and collecting 5% yield in the process

Sell 1 Buy 2 Property Strategy
Is it possible to buy and stay in a condo without any cash for instalment? Watch all the way till the end of the video to know how it actually works.

Property Investment
What strategies should you apply to safely grow your money?

Make Hay While Sun Still Shines
Why Procrastination is bad for you when making decisions.
Age waits for no one! Would you be rather chasing time, or using money to “buy” time?

Choosing the Right Property Agent
I am a property consultant specialises in asset planning with custom plans for your unique situation to help you upgrade from 1 to multiple properties.